Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Crazy Tuesday

Well, its Tuesday and it feels like Friday. How is that happening? This Thursday and Friday are Parent-Teacher Conferences and I'm beginning to feel overwhelmed! I know you are with me on this Keetha. I sure would like to be fishing or reading a book beside this lake. Anybody with me???


Keetha Broyles said...

Wow what a gorgeous lake shore. What lake is it?

I am DREADING Thursday night like the plague. How will we maintain enough energy and stamina to stay there till 8?????????

Who's gonna "cater" in dinner for us????

How will I stay awake long enough to drive home afterwards???

These are but a few of the questions that are plaguing my brain!


Anon said...

Well, well, well.....

The old cat's out of the bag. :)

Looks like all of Funny Lady's excitement about Blog World at LCS has suckered another person into starting her very own blog. :)

I got suckered in too. Lately, I haven't been able to keep up, but now that I know you're here....I'll be checking in a lot more. ;)

Welcome to this little planet we all know as Blog World.

Toevs said...

I used to dread conferences too. Now I just show up as a parent. It is strange to experience it from the parent side after being on the teacher side for many years. :-)

Keetha Broyles said...

Oh - - - here they are!!! I don't have an "older posts" option on mine, just archives.