Saturday, April 12, 2008

Where did it go?

Well, my last post I was praising the Lord for the wonderful weather and the hope that spring had finally arrived! I am not so sure today! They are predicting snow for tonight...please say it isn't so! Here are some old pictures of spring to give me hope that it is on its way! Enjoy!

Don't loose heart! Spring is showing signs of coming!

Feeding Frogs!

Steve, Hannah and Christie

Stephen a few years back by the pond. What a handsome guy.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Spring Arrived!

Wow! What a beautiful weekend! I was in heaven with all the sunshine! I feel like it has been a really long winter. Does anyone else feel the same? Thank you God for such a beautiful weekend! Would it be too much to ask if we could have some more of that sunshine this week?

I would also like to ask any of you who are prayer warriors to please pray for a little girl named Chrissy Briles who is a fifth grader at our school. She is in Riley Hospital. You can read her story at